The event was held on August 17th, from 08:30 to 13:00, in the auditorium Prof. Oswaldo Fadigas Fontes Torres at Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
The Society and Technology Study Center (CEST) held the 1st Seminar on Internet Governance with the objective of contributing in a systematic and organized way to the scope of Internet Governance, whether for the promotion of scientific discussions or for the support of public policies and business actions.
The seminar had the following program:
08h30 – 09h00: Accreditation of participants and welcome coffee
09h00 – 09h10: Opening
- Professor José Roberto Castilho Piqueira, PhD (Escola Politécnica da USP Director)
- Professor Edison Spina, PhD (CEST / Electric Engineering Department of Escola Politécnica da USP)
09h10 – 09h20: Introduction to the seminar’s theme
- Nathalia Sautchuk Patricio, MSc (CEST / Internet Governance Research Network) – Lecture “Governança da Internet” (Portuguese only).
09h20 – 10h50: The Importance of Multistakeholderism for Internet Governance
- Ambassador Benedicto Fonseca Filho – Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
- Daniel Fink, PhD – Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)
- Professor Flávio R. Wagner, PhD – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) – Lecture “The Importance of Multistakehoderism for Internet Govenance” (Portuguese only).
- Raquel Gatto, PhD – Internet Society (ISOC)
- Flávia Lefèvre, MSc – Board member of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (
- Moderator: Nathalia Sautchuk Patrício, MSc (CEST / Internet Governance Research Network)
10h50 – 11h20: Network Coffee Break
11h20 – 12h50: Guest Debate with the Public
12h50 – 13h00: Closing
In the event´s debate panel the following questions were discussed:
- What are the participation forms in different Internet Governance processes?
- What is the importance of the participation of the different players in Internet Governance processes?
Other Information
To access the program of the event, click here.
To see more details about the speakers, click here.
The event was recorded and broadcasted live on IPTV (click here).
Event’s Certificate
To access your certificate, click here.
Lectures, Interviews, and Photos
To watch each individual lecture and the speaker’s interviews, click here.
To see photos of the event, click here.
Event’s Location
Auditorium Prof. Oswaldo Fadigas Fontes Torres
Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto, Travessa 3, nº 71, Próx. à Escola Politécnica da USP (local’s map)
Cidade Universitária, São Paulo – SP