– October 28, 2021 –
CEST´s researchers Vera Queiroz interviewed Dr. Thiago Felipe Avanci about internet, law, ethics, and everything in between.
Thiago Felipe S. Avanci. Ph.D. in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (2020), Master´s Degree in Law from Universidade Católica de Santos – UNISANTOS (2011). Lawyer since 2008, working with companies and third sector entities. Professor of Law at Universidade Paulista and at Centro Universitário São Judas Tadeu. Currently, besides a Lawyer, he is a Government Advisor in the Municipality of Guarujá and is responsible for the Legal Assistance Office of Universidade Paulista (Santos). He acts as INEP / MEC evaluator/ reviewer of academic journals in Latin America and is the author of Law pieces of work.