The event was held on October 11, from 08:30 to 12:00, in the Institute for Advanced Studies at Universidade de São Paulo (IEA-USP).
The approval of the new Brazilian Law on Data Protection reflects a comprehensive discussion that has been held similarly in recent years in European countries and the United States.
The objective of the event was the presentation and reflection on the LGPD, through lectures held by experts and a debate with the public. The theme was debated by professionals from different areas from the perspective of each of them: law; psychology; and technology. Professionals impacted by law such as academics, students and individuals interested in the theme attended the event.
8h30 – 9h00: Accreditation of participants and welcome coffee
9h00 – 9h15: Opening
Prof. Dr. Edison Spina (Polytechnic School of USP/CEST-USP / Computing and Digital Systems Engineering Department)
9h15 – 9h35: Overview of The New General Law On Data Protection In Brazil
Rony Vainzof (Lawyer, Associate of Opice Blum, Bruno, Abrusio e Vainzof Advogados Associados)
9h35 – 9h55: Challenges and Difficulties in the Implementation of the General Data Protection Law
Rodrigo Hiroshi Ruiz Suzuki (Senior Manager of Information Security, Logicallis Latin America)
10h00 – 10h30: Panelists and Respondents
Moderator: Clovis Alvarenga-Netto (Engenharia de Produção e CEST/USP)
Panelists: Rodrigo Filev (CEST/ USP / FEI), Silvia Melchior (CEST/ USP), Carolina Abilio (CEST/ USP).
Panel 1: Impact on data controllers, data operators and data holders
Panel 2: Implications for trade and industry
10h30 – 10h50: Coffee Break and Networking
10h50 – 11h30: Panelists and Respondents
Panel 3: Implications for citizens, job creation and Data Protection Officer
Panel 4: Implications for Federal, State and Municipal Governments
11h30 – 11h55: Questions from the audience
11h55 – 12h00: Closing
Event Certificate
To access your certificate, click here.
Talks, Interviews, and Photos
To watch the lectures and interviews, click here.
To see the event photos, click here.
Event Venue Details
Institute for Advanced Studies of USP
Former University Council Auditorium
Rua da Praça do Relógio, 109, Ground Floor
Cidade Universitária, São Paulo – SP (venue’s map)