– October 10, 2019 – Beatriz Peluffo is a Professor in Social Sciences, Ph.D. in Law and Social Sciences (Universidad de la República – Udelar);
Category: Blog
Guest article by Professor Teodoro Luque Martínez of the University of Granada on University Rankings
– September 30, 2019 – We are honored to publish this month, the article ¿SIRVEN PARA ALGO LOS RANKINGS UNIVERSITARIOS? by Teodoro Luque Martínez, Ph.D. in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Seville (1992), and the author of several books and scientific articles published in national and international…
Interview with Romualdo Alves Pereira Júnior on Fake News
Interview with Fabio Nascimbeni on Open Education
Teacher-students partnership in the teaching and learning process
Interview with Mary Webb on Computer Science in schools
– June 25, 2019 – Mary Webb is Reader in Information Technology in Education at King’s College London, on the International Federation of Information processing (IFIP) Education Executive Committee and leads the IFIP Task Force on Computer Science in the Curriculum. Mary is internationally recognised for her research on pedagogy…
Interview with Dr. Rodrigo Filev on data privacy and data security in educational institutions.
– May 24, 2019 – Dr. Rodrigo Filev is an engineer and professor at Centro Universitário FEI where he coordinates the Laboratory of Innovation in IoT the Laboratory of CyberSecurity in partnership with Brazilian Federal Prosecution Service – Sao Paulo). Filev is also a researcher at CEST. In the interview,…
Are the internet and its technologies drivers of violence and extremism?
Article on the use of analytical techniques for decision making in relation to the selection of people was accepted in the 16th CONTECSI
CEST researchers’ article, Analytical Decisions for Whom? A Case Study on HR Analytics for Personnel Selection was accepted at the 16th International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management (CONTECSI) to be held May 29-31, 2019 at the Faculty of Economics and Administration of USP (FEA) -USP). Researchers Italo Alberto…
Article on multiagent-based simulation of microtask crowdsourcing platforms was accepted in the 16th CONTECSI
CEST researchers’ paper Multiagent-Based Simulation of a Microtask Crowdsourcing Platform Using NetLogo was accepted at the 16th International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management (CONTECSI) to be held from May 29/31, 2019, in the Faculty of Economics and Administration at Universidade de São Paulo (FEA-USP). Researchers Eduardo Bertassi, Marcel…