Open Education is gaining ground globally and is gradually being considered as an option by universities around the world; further, the debate is reaching beyond the OER experts’ community and the forerunning universities. The paper will explore how the Open Education debate is evolving, by discussing the challenges that have been partly solved and the ones that are still to be fully tackled. We believe that the focus is moving from technological challenges, where the objective now is to be able to work and learn across platforms, legal challenges, where instruments are there to be implemented and used at different levels, and content challenge, where OER are being increasingly created, shared and repurposed, to three new kinds of challenges, corresponding to three stakeholders groups. These are pedagogical challenges, that have to do with the way teaching and learning have to change in a Open Education setting and that are the main concern of teachers, sustainability challenges, which are mainly the concern of policy makers, funding agencies and companies, which are striving for well-established business principles, and organisational challenges, mainly concerning leaders within education institutions, who are faced with the increased complexity brought by open approaches, looking for the balance between traditional and new educational practices. The paper will briefly discuss some cases ohf how these challenges are being tackled, with particular emphasis on international collaboration practices enhanced by Open Education approaches.
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