The paper Innovation Within Complex Higher Education Systems by Fabio Nascimbeni, Marcel Simonette & Edison Spina was accepted at the 16th International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management (CONTECSI) to be held from May 29/31, 2019, in the School of Economics, Business and Accounting of USP (FEA-USP). For the…
Category: Blog
Interview with Professor Dr. Romero Tori about Immersive Education
– April 24, 2019 – Romero Tori is an engineer, a doctor and an associate professor III of the Department of Computer Engineering and Digital Systems of the Polytechnic School–USP. He coordinates the Interlab – Laboratory of Interactive Technologies at USP. He is also CEST´s Collaborator Professor. Professor Tori has…
Digital Transformation in Education and its impacts
30 years of WWW: challenges, achievements and concerns
Interview with Thomas Arnett about Innovation in Education (blended learning)
– March 25, 2019 – Thomas Arnett is a senior research fellow in education for the Clayton Christensen Institute. His work focuses on innovations that amplify educator capacity, barriers to K-12 innovation, and disruptive innovations in education. Thomas previously served as a trustee and board president for the Morgan Hill Unified…
CEST researchers publish paper on data privacy modeling for shared digital environments
– March 8, 2019 – The paper “The Johari Window as a tool for analyzing personal data privacy” was published in the magazine “Ciência da Informação“, of the Brazilian Institute of Information on Science and Technology (IBICT-Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia). The work is the result of…
CEST publishes book with a collection of texts written by its collaborators
– March 2, 2019 – In February, the first edition of CEST’s book, “Technology and Society: a multidisciplinary view“, was published. The bilingual book was drawn from bulletins collection written by the group’s collaborators based on the weekly discussions and events held between 2015 and 2018. Organized by Professors Edison…
Voices echo beyond physical space – the resized classroom
– February 27, 2019 – Thanks to technology, space and time limits disappear allowing the teacher to adopt new teaching approaches that are beyond the classroom frontiers, as is the case of the hybrid or even 100% online teaching methods. Reflecting upon these ideas, Rosângela Agnoletto and Vera Queiroz wrote…
Guest article by Professor Dr. Simone Bunse, Lead University, San Jose, Costa Rica on Public Policy Decision-Making
– December 17, 2018 – Professor Dr. Simone Bunse, Director of Academic Affairs and Associate Professor at Lead University,Costa Rica has participated for the last three years in the event ‘Innovation, Leadership and Government in Brazil’(ILG Brazil) organized by CEST, Georgetown University and ENAP (National Schoolof Public Administration), in Brasília. Dr.…
Guest article by Professor Robert Rogowsky from Georgetown University on US-Brazil Free Trade Agreement.
– December 10, 2018 – Professor Robert Rogowsky, Ph.D., from Georgetown University has been attending the event ‘Innovation, Leadership and Government in Brazil’ (ILG Brazil) organized by CEST, Georgetown University and ENAP (National School of Public Administration) for the past three years. In addition to acting as Adjunct Professor of Trade…