– January 31, 2020 – Vani Moreira Kenski holds a Master´s Degree and Ph.D. in Education. She graduated in Geography and Pedagogy. Professor and Master and Doctorate Adviser in the Post-Graduation Program in Education at USP. Director of SITE Educacional. Author of several books and articles on Instructional Design, Education…
Category: Interviews
Interview with Beatriz Peluffo on Knowledge Management
– October 10, 2019 – Docente de Educación Media en Ciencias Sociales; Doctora en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales (Udelar); Magíster en Desarrollo Económico (Universidad Internacional de Andalucía España); Especialización en Gestión del Conocimiento orientada a la Educación Superior (Universidad de Chile). Decana da Faculdade de Ciências da Educação da Universidad…
Interview with Romualdo Alves Pereira Júnior on Fake News
– July 19, 2019 – Romualdo Alves Pereira Júnior has a Post-Doctorate in Data Science and Engineering from the University of Ottawa – uOttawa (Canada), Doctorate in Information Science from UnB, Master in Information Systems from UFPb. Professor of the Post-graduation course in Information Technology Management at UnB (2007…
Interview with Fabio Nascimbeni on Open Education
Interview with Mary Webb on Computational Thinking in School
Interview with Dr. Rodrigo Filev on data privacy and data security in educational institutions.
Interview with Professor Dr. Romero Tori about Immersive Education
Interview with Thomas Arnett about innovation in Education (blended learning)
Interview with Clovis Alvarenga Netto, Ph.D., on innovation in engineering education
– February 15, 2019 – Prof. Clovis Alvarenga Netto, Ph. D., is a Professor of the Production Engineering Department at Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo. In his interview, Alvarenga Netto presented in general terms an innovative methodology model applied in his discipline, how the model was implemented, and…