On July 14h, 2021, 19h (-3GTM), professors from Latin America will gather in an international conference to discuss the implications in the Economy from Law, precisely the impacts from Social Rights. It is an initiative from FURG, PPGH/FURG, and CEST/Poli/USP, organized by Wagner Silveira Feloniuk, Ph.D (FURG). and Edison Spina, Ph.D. (CEST).
It will be, also, released the book Teoria Pós Positivista dos Direitos Fundamentais, by the author Thiago Felipe Avanci, CEST’s colaborator.
The event counts with the following lectures:
Thiago Felipe S. Avanci, Ph.D. (BRASIL, CEST/POLI/USP)
Horácio Monteschio, Ph.D. (BRASIL, UNIPAR/UNICURITIBA)
Rommell Ismael Sandoval Rosales, Ph.D. (EL SALVADOR, Universidad “Pro y Dr. José Matías Delgado”)
More information, included about certificate of attendant, at the event’s Hotsite
The event will be broadcast live on Youtube at this link.