I International Seminar Funding of R&D – The Reform of the Good Law and Other Themes

The event was held on November 29-30 from 08:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., at Fundação Getúlio Vargas auditorium.

The “I International Seminar on Innovation Policy” –was organized by CEST in partnership with FGV Projects, Brasscom (Associação Brasileira das Empresas de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação), Anpei (Associação Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento das Empresas Inovadoras) and CNI (Confederação Nacional da Indústria). The objective of the initiative was to discuss the relevance of innovation tax incentives as a funding tool to the national technological development and to the coupling of the Brazilian economy in the global value chains, taking under consideration macroeconomic, microeconomic and fiscal policy perspectives.

The thematic blocks were propositional and aimed at engaging the stakeholders in bringing their practical perceptions about the difficulties of using the incentive and potential alternatives capable of making the Brazilian regime of innovation tax Incentives (“Good Law”) an efficient instrument in inducing investments in R&D by Brazilian companies in general.

Day 1 (11/29/2018)

Accreditation and Opening

  • 08h30 – Accreditation of participants
  • 09h00 – Opening
    • Prof. Dr. Edison Spina (CEST-USP / Computing and Digital Systems Engineering Department of the Polytechnic School)
    • André Echeverria (Brasscom)

Section I – Industrial Policy Update

President: André Echeverria (Brasscom)

Session II – Innovation Funds under Macroeconomic Perspective

President: Ana Carolina Monguilod (FGV Projects/Insper)

Session III – The challenges imposed by BEPS Project: between Innovation Taxation and Innovation in Taxation

President: Gisele Bossa (CARF, FGV e FDUC)

Day 2 (11/30/2018)

Session IV – The Brazilian Regime of Innovation Tax Incentives (Good Law): Accumulated Experience and Retirement Prospects

President: Gianna Sagazio (CNI)

Session V – Innovation Systems, Public Policies and Institutional Arrangements

President: Prof. Dr. Guilherme Ary Plonski (FEA/USP, POLI/USP)

Event Certificate

To access the participation certificate, click here.

Lectures, Interviews and Photos

To watch the lectures and interviews, click here.

To see the photos, click here.

Event Venue Details

Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Rua Itapeva, 432
Bela Vista, São Paulo, SP (map)