– February 17, 2016 –

This month, we publish the interview with doctor Lilian Richieri Hanania. She is lawyer and Ph. D. in International Law from the University of Paris 1 – Panthéon-Sorbonne and researcher at CEST. In the interview, she addresses the context and importance of promoting the diversity of cultural expressions online.
The interview was originally published in « Kulturelle Vielfalt Online. Im Spannungsfeld zwischen UNESCO, TTIP und Netzgiganten – Interview mit Lilian Richeri Hanania » (Cultural Diversity Online. Between UNESCO, TTIP and net giants – an interview with Lilian Richeri Hanania), in Österreichische UNESCO-Kommission, Jahrbuch 2015/Annual Report 2015, Agnes & Ketterl GmbH, Mauerbach/Vienna, ISBN: 978-3-902379-03-0.