Ph.D. in Development Sociology (Cornell University), M.A. in Sociology (UNICAMP), B.A. in Social Sciences (UNICAMP), Professor at Mackenzie Presbyterian University (UPM), and Senior Research Associate at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP). More than 25 years of professional experience in consultancy, academic research, applied research, and teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level at Cornell University, UNICAMP, and UFMG. Solid training in research methodology (mixed methods social inquiry) and interdisciplinary studies, and thematic areas such as sustainability, development and social change, environmental analysis, social and environmental indicators, urbanization, governance, and public policy. Extensive experience in conducting and coordinating research projects and consulting projects funded by agencies such as CNPq, FAPESP, EU, Heinz Foundation, IDB, NIH, UNDP, UNFPA, and WHO. More than 10 years of international experience in the USA and working with professionals from research centers and universities in Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.