Founder and vice-coordinator
Electrical Engineer; graduated from the School of Engineering of Universidade de São Paulo (EP-USP), in 1979; Master’s degree and Doctor’s degree in engineering by the same school; professor of electric machines and power electromechanical conversion in the course of Electricity Engineering at the School of Engineering, USP, since 1982; Director of the DTI-USP (Department of Information Technology of USP), where the University’s corporate information is developed and maintained. Management advisor for quality; coordinated the implementation of quality management systems in educational, juridical, and IT organizations. Manager of IT projects; coordinated the implementation of Cloud USP, the biggest project of cloud computing in Brazilian universities; performs as a researcher with the research groups of the School of Engineering, USP, LMAG – Laboratory of Applied Electromagnetism, and GEPEA – Electricity Group of PEA; has professional experience in Electrical Engineering areas, and organization management areas, performing on the conception, development, and implementation of quality assurance systems and information systems.