Pedro Luiz Corrêa Pizzigatti is Professor at Escola Politécnica da USP (EPUSP) – Department of Computer and Digital Systems since 2003. He graduated in Bachelor of Computer Science (ICMC / USP, 1987) with PhD in Electrical Engineering (EPUSP / 2002 ). Visiting Scholar at the University of Tennessee of Knoxville (UTK) School of Information Science and Climate Change Science Institute of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (CCSI / ORNL) and United States Geological Survey (USGS). Fellow of the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development, CNPq, Brazil. It was a consultant on Integration of Information Systems and Data Base of the Ministry of Environment. Areas of interest: Distributed Database, Information Science, Scientific Data Management and e-government. Other areas of interest are: Modeling and Simulation Computer Systems, Distributed Systems, Software Engineering.