Could Computing
Advanced Web-based technologies now allow consumers to either keep files and functions on the desktop, or to buy those services from firms running computer servers elsewhere. Researchers featured on CEST explore the implications of these trends for pricing, competition, and security of content and services delivered and housed remotely.
- Cloud Regulations
How government around the world should implement standards and regulations that could stimulate/accelerate the use of cloud. In addition, what kind of measures the government should take to protect privacy and security. How the government should address the data sovereignty.
- Work Economy
What are the economics of the cloud and how is national competitiveness affected?
What new or existing policies could create more jobs with the use of cloud technologies?
What current policies or trends are preventing small & medium-sized enterprise adoption of cloud technologies?
Which is the more efficient generator of a local software ecosystem, preference policies for local developers or Foreign Direct Investment?
What are the optimal criteria on the basis of which governments should make procurement decisions?
- The Impact of Cloud Computing on Small and Medium (BCG Study)
Small and midsize enterprises (SMEs) are critical to fueling economic growth and job creation around the world. As SMEs search for ways to grow, they have the opportunity to embrace a new wave of information technologies. How can cloud computing widen the performance gap of SMEs as the pace of innovation accelerates?
- Media and Content
The easy availability of information on the Internet may lead to the commoditization of content. However, if content is free or low cost, it may be difficult for those who produce it (like journalists) to earn a living. Economists and other scholars examine this tension and suggest various solutions.
- Search and Advertising
Economists are interested in how the design of ad auctions affects search engine revenues, and how access to the Internet – and thus to search engines – affects retail prices and possibly leads to higher prices for certain consumers.
Networks and Infrastructure
- Broadband
“Broadband” refers to high-speed data networks that allow users to access Internet services such as streaming media, VoIP, etc. Broadband is often defined by regulators based on the data rates or “speed” the network provides. The speeds which define broadband have changed – and will continue to change – as technologies improve and infrastructure investments continue.
- Net Neutrality
“Net Neutrality” refers to the concept of an “open Internet” whereby end-users can access the lawful content, applications, services and devices of their choice. Policymakers around the world are considering whether and how to ensure that the Internet remains “open” and Internet access service providers do not improperly block or degrade content sent over their networks.
- Wireless
Wireless networks allow users to access telecommunications and the Internet while on the move. The wireless devices operate on the electromagnetic spectrum, which is a finite resource. The allocation and assignment of spectrum, particularly given the burgeoning demand for wireless access to the Internet, poses a unique set of policy decisions for regulators worldwide.
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