The event was held on November 28, from 08:30 to 13:00, at the Institute of International Relations of the University of São Paulo (IRI-USP).
Digital Transformation is a concept that goes beyond the conjunction of words. It is the use of technological resources to rethink the purpose, structure, and operation of a business. The result of the transformation may, or may not, have technology as one of its essential parts, but it is a new approach to business that affects both the individual and society.
Technology itself is not the main topic of this series of seminars organized by CEST.
While in the first edition of the event the goal was to rethink how digital transformation could affect both the individual and society, in the second edition of the event, the goal is to discuss which performance indicators are currently being used by companies to assess their successes after implementing processes aiming the digital transformation of their business.
Event Schedule
8h30 – 9h00: Participants’ accreditation
9h00 – 9h10: Welcome opening
Prof. Edison Spina, Ph.D. (Escola Politécnica da USP / Computer Engineering and Digital Systems Department)
9h10 – 9h25: Introduction to the seminar’s theme
Mario Magalhães (Centro de Estudos Sociedade e Tecnologia)
9h25 – 9h55: Hermano Júnior (General Manager of the Tech & Infra Center at Informa) – General Overview of Digital Transformation Iniciatives in Brazil
9h55 – 10h25: Renato Pasquini (TIC’s Marketing Research and Digital Transformation Director at Frost & Sullivan) – Strategic Insights on Digital Transformation in Brazil
10h25 – 10h40: Networking Coffee Break
10h40 – 11h10: Valter Wolf (Executive Director at Brazilian Association of Artificial Inteligence) – Artificial Intelligence Applied to Digital Transformation
11h10 – 11h40: Tulio Irie (Technical Executive Architect at Santander) – Digital Transformation Indicators
11h40 – 12h10: Alex Santos (Direct Sales Senior Manager at Motorola Solutions) – Motorola Solutions in the Age of Digital Transformation
12h10 – 12h55: Open Debate
12h55 – 13h00: Closure
Event Certificates
The certificates of the are available here.
Event Photos
The photos of the event can be seen here.
Event Talks
The vídeo of the event can be accessed on CEST’s YouTube channel.
Event Venue Details
Institute of Internatinal Relations of the University of São Paulo
1st Floor Auditorium
Avenida Professor Lúcio Martins Rodrigues, s/n, travessas 4 e 5
Cidade Universitária, São Paulo – SP (venue’s map)
CEP 05508-020
How to Reach USP’s International Relations Institute?
If you use public transportation, you can get directions by checking the Moovit webpage. If you use your own car, you can get directions by browsing the Waze or Google Maps webpage. If using your own car, you can park your vehicle in the parking lots of the Polytechnic School (POLI) or the Faculty of Economics and Administration (FEA).