The event was held on April 27th, from 08:30 AM to 01:00 PM, in the auditorium Prof. Oswaldo Fadigas Fontes Torres, near Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
The Society and Technology Study Center (CEST) held the 1st Seminar on Crowdsourcing – Opportunities and Challenges to discuss how the use of crowdsourcing as a business model can benefit the Brazilian society.
The following speakers attended the seminar:
- Marina Miranda (General Director of Mutopo Brazil / Founding Partner of Crowd Envisioning): She presented an overview of the use of crowdsourcing by companies, practical cases of success, opportunities, and the difficulties that Brazilian companies have in adopting this business model. Lecture “The Future of Crowdsourcing” (not avaivable for download).
- Daniel Sousa (Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of Broota): He presented what is equity crowdfunding, the potential of this crowdfunding modality in Brazil and the technical and legal challenges that his company faced when it was created. Lecture “Equity Crowdfunding – Results ans Perspectives for 2017“.
- Robert Pereira (Founding Partner of Base2 / Crowdtask): He presented how a Brazilian software testing company, Base2, adopted crowdtesting as a business model and ended up developing its platform dealing with the regulatory environment, market evangelism, and legal issues. Lecture “Crowdtesting on Brazil – Opportunities and Challenges“.
- Steven N. Rader (Deputy Manager, NASA Center for Excellence in Collaborative Innovation): He presented to the public how NASA is encouraging the creation of innovative solutions through crowdsourcing for the development of the North American space program. This talk was given in English without simultaneous translation. Lecture “The Power of Crowd Based Challenges“.
- Thomas Eckschmidt (Founding Partner of the Conscious Capitalism Institute in Brazil): He is an Entrepreneur who won several prizes related to entrepreneurship, he mediated the debates among the speakers counting on the audience’s participation.
The event had two panels for the speakers to discuss with the audience:
- How to encourage participants’ contributions to crowdsourcing platforms?
- How to maintain control and the quality of work carried out by a multitude of users scattered on the Internet?
- How could companies adopt this business model? Which processes should be reviewed?
- Is crowdsourcing really worth it?
Other Information
To access the program of the event, click here.
To see more details about the speakers, click here.
Event’s Certificate
To download your certificate, click here (enter the e-mail address used for registration).
Lectures, Interviews, and Photos
To watch each individual lecture and the speaker’s interviews, click here.
To see photos of the event, click here.
Details of the Event’s Location
Auditorium Prof. Oswaldo Fadigas Fontes Torres
Avenida Prof. Luciano Gualberto, Travessa 3, nº 71, close to Escola Politécnica da USP (local’s map)
Cidade Universitária, São Paulo – SP