Silvia Regina Barbuy Melchior, head of MELCHIOR, MICHELETTI AND AMENDOEIRA LAW FIRM, has over 20 years’ experience in the telecommunications and high technology and IT fields. Graduated in Law School of University of São Paulo – USP, and MBA in Contractual law, is a Lexing member, a worldwide network of lawyers dedicated to new advanced and emerging technologies which studies artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, privacy, IoT and robotics. Silvia Melchior is a founder of the Brazilian Association of Competitive Telecommunications Providers (Telcomp) – similar to Comptel in the U.S. and the European Union ECTA -, with more than 50 operators, which has assisted in its 15 years of existence, in all aspects. Mrs. Melchior is member of the American Chamber in São Paulo and coordinated the Committee on Telecommunications, Information Technology and the American Chamber of Commerce in São Paulo since 1999, where she was vice-president for two years and is co-responsible for coordinating the Committee of Regulatory Agencies since 2004 untill 2010. Member of TMT (telecommunication, media and technology) Committee of IASP – Institute of São Paulo Laywers. Actively participated in the privatization process and its regulation, having published the article – Net Neutrality in the Brazilian Law in the “Internet Civil Framework – Law 12.965/2014” –– Ed. Thomson Reuters Revista dos Tribunais – São Paulo – SP, 2014. Professor of Specialization Course in Law and Information Technology in the Continuing Education Program of the Engineering School of the University of São Paulo (PECE-USP) and LLM Digital Law of Mackenzie Presbiterian University.