Invited papers

All papers were kept in the original language they were written.




US Trade Strategy Robert Rogowsky August/2024
Reflections on the United States in the Trading System 2020 Robert Rogowsky October/2020
Metodologia baseada em projetos: uma possibilidade para o ensino remoto / ensino a distância Maria Luiza Ramos July/2020
Programação Neurolinguística (PNL) na Educação Maria Luiza Ramos April/2020
Sirven para algo los rankings universitarios? Teodoro Luque Martínes September/2019
Blockchain and its practical application in educational settings Andreia Inamorato August/2019
Do carrocentrismo às patinetes: a inovação e a liberdade de escolha Giovani Ravagnani July/2019
Public Policy Decision-Making: How decisions should be made versus how they are made in practice Simone Bunse December/2018
United States-Brazil Foreign Trade Agreement Robert Rogowsky December 2018
The missing link in Education (Part 2): ICT and Open Educational Resources as a means to boost learning Daniel Burgos September/2018
The missing link in Education (Part 1): Transgenic Learning as an innovation need Daniel Burgos September/2018
Uber, Whatsapp, Netflix – Quando o mercado e a tecnologia desafiam a doutrina Floriano de Azevedo e Rafael Véras May/2016

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